Do You Feel Attractive?

We don’t always feel as attractive as we’d like to be.

5 favorite attraction quotesSometimes it’s difficult not to wish that we looked like our favorite celebrity or even our good-looking best friend.

Then we think we might feel better about ourselves, have more confidence and finally get the guy or feel secure in our relationship or even just secure in ourselves.

But believe me, you are ALREADY beautiful in your own unique way, you just might not recognize that fact.

Here are five of my favorite quotes about attraction and what attracts others to us.


Every Person Is Attractive To Somebody

You don’t need to be classically beautiful to be attractive. Besides everyone has their own idea of what is attractive and what is not. Whatever size you are, whatever hair color you have, whatever shape of face, whatever defect you think you have, there are people who will find you attractive.

Every person is attractive to somebody



Because attraction is as much to do with character and personality as it is to do with youth, you can be irresistibly attractive at any age.



An Amazing Thing Happens When You Stop Seeking Approval

By being yourself and feeling good about that, you become attractive to everyone else.

An amazing thing happens when you stop seeking approval


Confidence Is The Sexiest Thing A Woman Can Have

What you’ve got is far less important than what you feel about what you’ve got when it comes to being attractive.

Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have


The Secret Of Personal Attraction

Beauty is not one look, but whole mixture of who you are, flaws and all. It’s your very uniqueness that makes you attractive.

The secret to personal attraction

Over to you: What do you think makes someone attractive? Do you feel more or less attractive as you get older?Please share in the comments below.

Image Credit: ©

18 Responses to “Do You Feel Attractive?”

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  1. Love this and will be sharing it. Just what I have been writing about today, more or less.
    Harriet Stack recently posted…How to get a bikini body in no time

  2. Angelica says:

    I love this! Every women should read this at least once.

  3. Sophie Bowns says:

    Hmm, I’m not sure to be honest…I’d live to think so though!
    Sophie Bowns recently posted…Aftermath

  4. Dawn says:

    Beautiful! I love the cute lil birds ๐Ÿ™‚
    I think I was more attractive bk (before kids) but my husband thinks I’m sexier now ๐Ÿ™‚ I am more confident now and care very little what other people think of me and that is very liberating!
    THanks for the encouragement!
    Dawn recently posted…Kid Friendly Craft Series: Frame Your Fridge

  5. What a great post, I love it! So much truth here, all women should read this #BinkyLinky
    Zena’s Suitcase recently posted…How To Understand Your Husband (And Get What You Want!)

  6. Rachel says:

    How have we gotten to this place where we even need to be told this? Why is some arbitrary idea of physical beauty even an issue? And yet, even when we’re aware that it’s nonsense and that we don’t need to conform to some externally-imposed idea about what beauty is, we all end up buying into it to some extent. Much as we all KNOW that all of this advice is true, it’s hard to really BELIEVE it. How did this happen?
    Rachel recently posted…A travel post … sort of

  7. amummysview says:

    Great post! My husband says confidence is sexy too. For me it’s personality and kindness that I find most attractive. Loved reading this thank you. Popping over from My Life As a Mummy’s Weekend Blog Hop x
    amummysview recently posted…Old El Paso Delights!

  8. My Life As A Mummy says:

    Absolutely love this and agree with the others. Women should read this everyday!

    Thank you for linking up with the #WeekendBlogHop

    laura x xx

  9. I love this! So lovely to have things like this written down to remind us all!
    Thanks for linking up with #WeekendBlogHop!
    Single Mother Ahoy recently posted…Good Mother, Good Father?

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