Relationship Quote: What Women Really Want


What women really want

What women really want: to be loved, adored, respected, trusted, needed, pampered, praised, hugged, complimented, supported, consoled, charmed, protected, embraced
What men really want: tickets for the finals match

This quote from “Why Men Want Sex And Women Need Love” by Allan and Barbara Pease is meant to be a joke but there is a nugget of truth in all jokes or they wouldn’t be funny.

The truth is, if you add sex (and maybe, home cooking) to that list for what most men want out of a relationship, then it is probably about the size of the difference between men and women.

Though it doesn’t take into account any of the individual variations in what people want (and we are are nothing if not diverse in our desires), research shows that these stereotypes hold true in the majority of cases.

It’s not politically correct to pigeonhole men and women and talk about typical behavior, but millions of years of keeping humans from going extinct have led to biological differences that you can’t deny, if you look at any of the studies.

Men want to have sex because it’s the surest way to propagate the species. Women want love, because it’s the only way she can be sure that her guy will be around long enough to make sure her young will make it through the early years.

Times have changed. But basic biology has not.

Being loved AND sex are both important as far as I’m concerned – and I want them in a package! I hope my husband would say the same. I’m just going to trust that he would…but as a sports fanatic the tickets would definitely be appealing 🙂

OVER TO YOU: Do you recognize the truth in the “men want sex, women want love” theory or hotly contest it? Do you think things are changing over time? PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW

2 Responses to “Relationship Quote: What Women Really Want”

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  1. Michelle says:

    I think you nailed it Ana!
    Michelle recently posted…Feeling Appreciated | The Liebster Award

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