25 Winter Date Ideas

Winter is an enjoyable time of the year for those who like the crisp cold, snow covered streets, and darkness that sets in earlier than the rest of the year. But the weather does get in the way of some types of dates.

winter date ideasHaving said that, winter doesn’t mean that you have to stay inside and do the same thing all the time. In fact, with some creativity, you can find yourself having as much fun together during the winter months as you do in warmer weather.


Enjoy The Season

Enjoy the changing seasons together and every festival that comes up in the winter. Carve pumpkins, rake leaves, shovel snow, or create Valentine’s Day banners together. Plan some neat Halloween or Mardi Gras (Carnival) costumes and have fun shopping for them. Doing little things together that celebrate the seasons and what they bring can fill your lives with great memories. Even if it’s something that would need to be done, such as buying candy for Halloween, decorating the Christmas tree, or clearing snow, you’re can spend quality time together while you do it, if you make an occasion out of it.


Special Events

Find out what is planned in your city or surrounding area. Your local tourist office can give you some great winter date ideas. Is there an ice sculpture exhibition? What about an ice disco or special winter parade? What is going on for Valentine’s Day?



Many places offer tastings of some kind or other. Look for something that interests you and mark the dates or times when they’re available. Consider wine tastings, whiskey tastings, chocolate tastings, or anything that your area is famous for. Sometimes these events come with guided tours that can add to the fun.


Indoor Dates

You’ve probably had a lot of outdoor summer dates. Now you can catch up on those indoor places you have neglected. Go to a museum together, or the aquarium, or tropical plant house. Find out about art exhibitions, plays, or go dancing together.


Meet For Coffee

Select a cafe or coffee house that has comfortable seating and where you’re not under pressure to leave right away. Choose a big cup of your favorite coffee, cocoa, or tea, a piece of cake and enjoy each others company without having to break your budget.


Check Out Indoor Games And Sports

When was the last time you went to an indoor games arcade together? Or how about enjoying some time bowling, playing pool or indoor wall climbing?


Spa Visit

A spa visit can be very relaxing, as well as romantic. While you’re all bundled up in clothes, it’s sometimes easy to forget that you still need to care for your skin. Have a massage together and you’ll feel warm and relaxed. Then enjoy the pool or sauna.


Play In The Snow

If there’s snow, take advantage of it! Bundle up well and build a snowman together, make snow angels or start an impromptu snowball fight. Enjoy being a big kid. Laugh and have a good time. This always reminds me of that scene in the movie “Love Story.” Once you’re both properly chilled, you can come inside, shed your wet clothes and get warm together!


Ice Skating

Ice skating can be great fun. You don’t have to even know how, as long as you don’t mind looking silly and falling over a few times while you learn. If can already skate, just enjoy holding hands as you fly over the ice.


Celebrate Holidays Together

If you’re celebrating the big holidays with friends or family, make sure to also have your own private celebrations. Make a mini Thanksgiving dinner, attend a carol service, or have a simple New Year’s ceremony before going out. By doing this, you’re starting new traditions which you can then keep in the years to come. This idea is a bit late for this year of course, but I included it here in case you’re reading this before the holidays next winter.


Outdoor Markets And Fairs

Many cities continue to hold fairs and markets in the winter. Look for those serving hot drinks and food and then enjoy looking at the stalls and choosing a few things to buy.


Winter Hobbies

Some hobbies are only available in the winter so make the most of the season to go skiing or snow boarding. Or learn curling and see how good you can get. If there isn’t a hill or mountain for skiing, consider cross-country skiing. You can get a few more ideas from the Winter Olympics this year though I’m not sure you’ll want to go ski jumping ๐Ÿ™‚


Check Out The Lights

You don’t even have to be out late for this activity as it gets dark so early. Get dressed warmly and stroll together through the city parks or walk along streets where the buildings are lit to highlight architectural features. You’ll get a different perspective on your city at night. This is a beautiful, romantic thing to do together. There’s something magical about being with someone you care about in the dark, all those little lights shining everywhere. And at Christmas there are even more lights to check out everywhere you go. But if it’s past Christmas and there is no great lighting display in your city, go out and look at the stars in the night sky on a crisp, clear night. Sometimes you can’t improve on nature.


Outdoor Fire

If the weather isn’t too cold yet, you can try date around a camp fire. Choose a spot where making a fire is allowed, and bring blankets and chairs as you won’t be warm enough sitting on the ground. Get a good fire going and get as close to each other as you can. This is a great snuggling date. Have warm drinks from a thermos and bring a few marshmallows to roast over the fire.


Go See A Movie

There’s nothing like snuggling in the darkened theater while enjoying the action on the big screen. There are not many places that beat the movies for sheer entertainment. You don’t have to choose the expensive block busters every time. Movie houses often offer matinee showings and replays of older movies which can be more affordable and less crowded.


Have A Movie Theme Night At Home

In order to get out of the usual habit of watching a DVD or channel flipping together, create a special home movie night. Choose a theme/era for your movies and then dress up to go with your theme and serve appropriate snacks and drinks. The ideas for this date are pretty much limitless if you use a bit of imagination and plan ahead.


Reading Together

Sometimes you can just enjoy each other’s company, even if you’re doing something separately. Pick a book to read. You can both read the same one or choose books for each other. Visit the book store together first of all, if you need to. Then wrap up in a blanket together at home (in front of a log fire if you have one) and have snacks and drinks available so you don’t have to get up too much. After reading for a while, you can discuss what you’ve read and how you feel about the book. For a naughty version, if you’re home alone, choose erotic books and read passages to each other.


Photo Browsing

Spend some time together going through old photos or year books. If you’re new to each other, you have the opportunity to tell stories and explain places and events. Just make sure you don’t show a stream of pictures of your ex-boyfriends. That wouldn’t be much fun for him. If you’ve been together longer, a photo evening is a walk down memory lane where you can remember events that you photographed together.


Computer Games

Many computer and video games can be played with two people. You could choose the more active type of games where you play virtual tennis or have a dance-off or you can opt for the more stationary type games where you use the joystick to race cars or fight zombies. A little bit of competition can be fun and a good excuse for flirting and teasing.


Indoor Picnic

Just because it’s cold and wet outdoors doesn’t mean you have to forgo the picnic experience. Spread a thick blanket out on the living-room floor and enjoy a light lunch which you prepared in advance. There’s no need to worry about ants or other creepy crawlies at home!


Board Games

During the winter months, you can get those old board games out that you both enjoy and play them together. Make a big pot of popcorn or have snacks handy. If you find you really enjoy playing games together, consider having this become a traditional, weekly or bi-weekly date. Or play some sexy games together to spice up you love life. My book has 77 of them. See them here.


Candlelit Dinner

With darkness setting in early during the winter months, you can take full advantage of being able to have dinner by candlelight. You can have a home-cooked dinner or order in. Put small decorative lights all over the room to add to the mood, or just place a couple of big candles on the table and then take them into the bathroom for a long, sensual bath together.


Cooking Classes

Winter is a great time to take classes together or invest in cookbooks and experiment on your own. You don’t have to worry about getting too hot in the kitchen and you have the benefit of the smell of delicious food filling the house on a cold day. Start off at a level you’re both comfortable so something good is likely to come out of the experience. Laugh off mishaps and enjoy your food together.


Indoor Decorating

It can be fun to decorate your home together, especially after Christmas, once all the festive decorations come down and the house feels a little bare. Do some crafts together or find good deals at garage sales or flea markets to liven up your home and make it your own. If you feel like a complete change, design a new look for a room and shop together for paint, wallpaper and accessories to bring it to life.


Weekend Getaway

For a longer date, consider booking a cabin or hotel that offers a good winter ambiance. Find a place with a fire place, guaranteed cold weather and/or snow, and lots of wooden furniture. What do you and your lover consider romantic? Book it and make it happen. Going away for a weekend and spending time together can be very healthy and a great way to help your relationship to grow.

6 Responses to “25 Winter Date Ideas”

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  1. Kim says:

    These are all great ideas, Ana. I especially like taking advantage of the shorter days by dining by candlelight. I was one who regularly groused about it being dark by 4pm in the winter. What a delightful way to enjoy those evenings!
    Kim recently posted…Cabin Fever: Time to take action

    • Ana says:

      We tried dining by candlelight on Sunday – that was nice. I was amazed at how dark the room still was with six candles. It must have been really difficult to get anything done in the evening in winter in years gone by when that was the only light available. Perhaps that was one of the reasons they all had big families LOL
      Ana recently posted…Ten Myths About Love

  2. Loved all 25 of these date ideas and am lucky enough to have made variations of them all happen with my man – one of my favourites is the lights/star gazing on night time walks. Also love playing video games together Mario Kart is especially fun.

    Stopping by via Blog Formatting page on Facebook ๐Ÿ™‚
    Vikki recently posted…I Have a Magical Floating Kidney (Nephroptosis)

  3. Ana says:

    I need to organize a few more of these before winter ends too. I can’t believe it’s February already!
    Ana recently posted…Where Are The Best Places To Meet Men?

  4. Remy says:

    Winter time could be overwhelming not only to adults but for kids too! I like the fact that the tips you mentioned, some of them can incorporate children too. Like board games, movies etc.

    I love winter time, however sometimes I pray that does not last that much. We love outdoors, and visit different places. Commenting from Blog Formatting.
    Remy recently posted…Miscarriage: When happen the unexpected

    • Ana says:

      Hi Remy, thanks for stopping by. It makes it less of a date for the two of you if you take the kids along but if you need more time as a family than you need time with your partner then you can do a lot of these together ๐Ÿ™‚ Even better, do both on different days!
      Ana recently posted…What To Do Instead Of Nagging

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