Love Daily

If you want love to survive, it needs daily nourishing. You can’t neglect your relationship and expect it to flourish. Just like a plant that won’t live for very long without water, love will die if you don’t pay attention to it.
love daily

Love is not something you have but something you do!

And if you get into the habit of doing something for the one you love day in day out, it can only help your relationship blossom.

That can be anything from a long and passionate kiss, to remembering to get something from the store he wanted, from saying “I love you” to giving a genuine compliment. The more loving things you do the better. There’s no need to restrict yourself to one!

Why every day?

It’s just a great way to keep a habit going.

For a hundred days starting 1st April I wrote a daily blog post here on Love From Ana. Yes, it was a challenge but for over three months it was part of what I did every day and I loved how the blog was taking shape, and all the chatting with everyone via comments that came with that.

After a hundred days I stopped, and decided I didn’t need that daily pressure or challenge or whatever you like to call it. And what happened? Posts dwindled to a few a week until just now I noticed I hadn’t written one for 15 days. 15 days! I’m so sorry about that!

But that’s exactly how you get out of the habit of loving, of not showing your love so that the person who is supposed to be special in your life feels that you don’t care.


And it’s also the way your sex life dies a death. It not that you have to make love daily, but if you get out of the habit of loving touches, kisses, hugs and sexy flirting, actual sex can seem like a big thing, instead of a natural (and frequent) part of your relationship. Unless you stoke that fire regularly, you will find a week passes, then a month and before you know it you hardly connect in that way at all. Your love life has died and it all starts with getting out of the habit of demonstrating your desire for the one you love.

If you feel like you have been neglecting your guy, start a loving habit today and over time you will find that you reconnect. And if you feel neglected, start the loving habit anyway, and see what a difference it makes to your relationship. Someone has to start or nothing will ever change.

Over to you: What are the ways you show how much your care? Do you do enough of this? Please share in the comments below.

Image Credit: ©

8 Responses to “Love Daily”

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  1. You make such a great point – that we need to be intentional about showing our loved ones how we feel. It’s easy to get apathetic or take them for granted. Thanks for the wonderful reminder.

  2. Candess says:

    This is so true. I wrote an article for an online magazine called Before Play: What Women Want. It looks like you are helping women keep the fires burning. Love – it is all there is!

    Happy to see you back blogging!
    Candess recently posted…Live Encounters Magazine August 2014

  3. Salma says:

    Thanks for the reminder. Life gets so busy and sometimes so routine that you forget how little things can make a big difference. Glad you’re back from your break ๐Ÿ™‚
    Salma recently posted…3 Things Thursday โ€“ Week 20

  4. Jan Kearney says:

    Great to see you back blogging Ana.
    “And if you feel neglected, start the loving habit anyway, and see what a difference it makes to your relationship.”
    That’s a great point – regardless of the type of relationship. The only thing you can control is your own actions. When you make an effort, it doesn’t take long to start seeing improvements as the other party sees that they’re “worth it”
    Jan Kearney recently posted…Semalt Referral Spam and Shady Tactics

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