Love Quotes – Love Is One Of Those Things…


Love Quote: The More You Give Away

“Love is one of those things where the more you give away, without expecting anything in return, the more you receive”

Our capacity to love is endless. You can love a guy, a whole brood of children, family and friends and still have enough for the world in general. It’s always possible to squeeze another one in. Endless love at its best.

It’s only in romantic relationships that it gets complicated, because romantic love is slightly different.

You can love someone to the moon and back, but it might not be reciprocated. He might feel smothered. He might be indifferent. He might, horror of horrors, be romantically involved with another.

That’s why I added “without expecting anything in return”, because, with romantic love, you DO want something in return. You want him to love you back, with bells on (and roses). You want him to commit to you like you are committed to him.

Unfortunately, in those circumstances you can’t force love. You have to let go. You have to let it happen with the right guy when the time comes.

The time just happens to come faster if you are loving person. So continue loving the world in general, showing your capacity to love with family, friends, your cat and the world at large, and you will more easily attract the kind of romantic love you want, if it hasn’t found you already.

Once, you are in a loving relationship, where he loves you back, you can love him as much as you like. But still keep in mind that phrase “without expecting anything in return” and your relationship is more likely to stand the test of time. The best love is given willingly, and never by obligation, because someone loves you.

OVER TO YOU: What do you think? Does this quote ring true for you? Have you had a one-sided romantic relationship? PLEASE SHARE WITH A COMMENT BELOW

2 Responses to “Love Quotes – Love Is One Of Those Things…”

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  1. Toni Nelson says:

    Great quote and photo:)
    Toni Nelson recently posted…Not a fisherman? This video might change your mind!

    • Ana says:

      Thanks Toni. My husband has an allergy to fluffy little kittens so the closest I can get is a picture 🙂

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