Happy Marriage Quote – Close, But Not Too Close


How To Keep The Fire Burning

“To keep the fire burning brightly there’s one easy rule: Keep the two logs together, near enough to keep each other warm and far enough apart – about a finger’s breadth – for breathing room. Good fire, good marriage, same rule.”

This quote by Marnie Reed Crowell hits the nail on the head when it comes to keeping the spark going in your relationship.


Stay close to your guy, not just physically close, but also emotionally close. If you withdraw and become cold for whatever reason, then the fire can be extinguished before you have a chance to put things right.

Remember to communicate what you are feeling even if you are hurt or angry with him. Nothing can be fixed, if you don’t speak out. Above all, don’t sulk. You’re not two years old. (Though, I have to admit I sulk now and again when I’m too annoyed to have a sensible discussion…oops)


Give yourself and your guy room to breathe. Don’t smother him with love.

Wanting to be close is one thing. Wanting him to give up spending time with friends and on the hobbies and interests you don’t have in common, quite another.

A life of your own keeps things more exciting for both of you, and it makes you seem less dependent and needy and, therefore, so much more attractive. Never give up your interests or friends just because you are in love and don’t expect him to do that either.

WHAT IS YOUR EXPERIENCE? Does this view of a good marriage (or relationship) match up with yours? Have you ever been too close to a guy or has a guy tried to smother you with affection? PLEASE SHARE IN THE COMMENTS BELOW

2 Responses to “Happy Marriage Quote – Close, But Not Too Close”

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  1. Debra Jason says:

    Beautifully expressed. Communication is so important in keeping the relationship flowing smoothly. It’s okay to disagree, but harboring ill feelings without talking about them only radiates negative energy. Best to get it out in the open.
    Love the quote & its analogy to a fire burning brightly.
    Debra Jason recently posted…Copywriting Tips Revealed on The Networking CEO Show

    • Ana says:

      Thanks for your comment Debra. I must remember not to sulk the next time I get really annoyed 🙂

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