Love Bets To Spice Things Up

Let’s face it, a lot of life can be boring and routine, no matter how many trips we go on and how many events and dates we set up to spice things up.

Love Bets: 300 Wagers To Spice Up Your Love LifeSome things just have to be endured like that duty visit to the in-laws or the company charity picnic, or the kids’ concert you were invited to by your sister where your kids are not even taking part.

And in my case, just around the corner (starting Thursday) there’s the World Cup looming large, a month of nothing but sport on TV, or at least on our TV – I’m sure other channels are still available.

So I was quite interested to pick up a copy of “Love Bets: 300 Wagers to Spice Up Your Love Life” by Sharon Naylor last week. She reckons anything can be made more interesting and fun by using it as the basis for a romantic wager.


The book has 300 suggestions for different things you can bet on, everything from whether there will be an argument over a celebratory meal at your mother’s house to the next celebrity couple to have a baby.

There is space under each suggestion for you to mark down the prize, who won, the date and any special provisions for the bet so that the book becomes a kind of memory bank as well as a way of keeping score. I’m not sure why there’s no special place to put down your answers/guesses but there’s enough space in the book if you wish to do that too.


As for the prizes, it’s not about money to pay off the credit card bill, just fun stuff. There are over a hundred suggestions with everything from a tame “I’ll buy you three bags of your favorite candy” to more racy suggestions “We’ll have sex on the beach”.

Some of the racier suggestions were a little confusing “I will only wear stiletto boots…and a smile” for example. Presumably he gets you to do that (or something else he wants) if he wins, and you get to pick something else if you do. In any case, you can both be winners with some of these.

All these wagers are meant just for fun and never to be used to manipulate, prey on an insecurity or make your partner uncomfortable. They are meant to bring out your silly, daring and adventurous side and cheer up otherwise tedious times.

I already wrote a book about spicing up your love life using play (“Play! 77 Sexy Games For two To Spice Up Your Love Life” details in this post) but the Love Bets book is a welcome addition as, despite the sub-title “Wagers to spice up your love life”, it’s not really about your love life but about your whole life together.

The book is available in Kindle and paperback format here on and here on I think the cover price is fairly high for a small book, but it was available new on for very little when I bought it last week though the full price printed on the back of the copy I have is $9.95. Some of the bets are US centric but could be easily translated to other countries.

I think it would make a nice fun gift for a bridal shower or hen night, being slightly racy but not over the top if there are more strait-laced family members or friends present.

Now I’m just wondering if even the World Cup can be made more interesting ๐Ÿ™‚

Over to you: Have you ever had a bet, just for fun, with your partner? How do you get through tedious things you have to do as a couple? Please share in the comments below.

14 Responses to “Love Bets To Spice Things Up”

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  1. Scott says:

    Sounds like a fun book! I might lose the wager on purpose! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Scott recently posted…SAM Will Make Ya Wanna โ€œJump Jumpโ€

  2. Great post, thanks so much for sharing Ana ๐Ÿ™‚ I really enjoyed reading and I shared for you also! As always great value in your posts!! Nice job girl!
    Joan Harrington recently posted…8 Simple Ways To Boost Your Social Media Marketing

  3. Christy says:

    I like the idea of this little book in a bridal shower gift basket… or maybe at the bachelorette party. =)
    Christy recently posted…Top Running-Jogging-Walking Apps (For Beginners)

  4. Sounds like a fun book, thanks so much for sharing!
    Miriam Slozberg recently posted…Making the Most of Google Plus

  5. Bonnie Gean says:

    We’ve had bets and succumbed to the “sexy side of life” when one or the other won, but I cannot mention what we did. I have a reputation to uphold. ๐Ÿ™‚

    This book sounds like a true winner, especially if you’re looking to try something different to bring back the missing spark.

    Thanks for sharing it!
    Bonnie Gean recently posted…Video Sunday – Episode #39

  6. Misty Spears says:

    This would be a great book to have. My husband and I went through that book 101 Nights of Great Romance with my husband so we like these sort of fun little game type books. Ill have to show him this one and see if he wants to give it a try.
    Misty Spears recently posted…Hemp Heart Side Effects

    • Ana says:

      A husband willing to give things a go is half the battle, but many women hesitate to even suggest things and miss out on a lot of fun and deeper relationships because they don’t. Thanks for sharing another resource Misty. I’ll check that one out.
      Ana recently posted…If Music Be The Food Of Love, Play On

  7. Jan Kearney says:

    Sounds like a fun book to give as a wedding gift.
    Now I just need to find someone to have bets with lol
    Jan Kearney recently posted…You Are What You Share (Or How Your Personal Status Updates Directly Impact Business)

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